Presbytery Staff

Executive Director - Rev. Dr. Sean Chow

Rev. Dr. Sean Chow’s most inner desire is to be a part of a God driven movement that impacts the world for God’s glory.. Currently serving as the Executive Director of the San Diego Presbytery, his aim is to prepare, equip, and sustain leaders to do the work in which God calls them He is leading the presbytery through a strategic vision to plant churches, revitalize churches, and be more missionally focused.

Prior to being the Executive Director Sean was involved in starting new expressions of the church both in practice and consulting. Sean was the Associate for 1001 New Worshiping Communities for Training and Leadership Cohorts for the Presbyterian Church U.S.A. He resourced and consulted with regional denomination bodies, churches, and church plants as they launch new creative expressions of church.

He is a graduate of Azusa Pacific University (2005), Master of Divinity from San Francisco Theological Seminary (2009) and a Doctor of Ministry at New York Theological Seminary (2022). Over the past twenty years of ministry, he has served churches in California and New Jersey. Sean is the author of “Rediscovering Vitality: A Handbook for Church Visioning and Missioning”. He is a frequent speaker to churches, committees, gatherings, and conferences.

Sean and his family live in Southern California where he can be found on a local tennis court having reconnected to an old passion. 

Stated Clerk - Tony Cook

For those I haven’t met yet, I’d like to introduce myself. I’ve been a ruling elder for almost 50 years! I’m a retired lawyer, spending my first career in a variety of legal and management roles with the State of Washington. For my second career in church government I served in Olympia Presbytery (Temporary Executive and Stated Clerk) and Grand Canyon Presbytery (Interim Associate Executive and Stated Clerk). I’ve also served at the national level on the Advisory Committee on Litigation, the Presbyterian Foundation Board of Trustees, and the General Assembly Permanent Judicial Commission. I’m currently serving on our Synod PJC.

I thought I had fully retired from my church career in 2015 when we moved to San Diego to be near grandchildren. A year later I became the Business Manager for our church, Rancho Bernardo Community Presbyterian. In 2020 I “retired” again, taking the volunteer position as church treasurer. 

That’s where I was cruising along when I felt a nudge from the Holy Spirit that my Stated Clerk days might not be finished after all. I explored that with the search committee and confirmed that I was indeed being called to be the Stated Clerk for San Diego Presbytery.

Opertions Manager - Jennifer SEdgwick

Jennifer grew up in Los Angeles, CA and first came to live in San Diego to attend UCSD. While there she started attending La Jolla Presbyterian Church where she met her husband, Jim. After several more years in the Los Angeles area they returned to San Diego with their two daughters in 2012. She continues to be active at La Jolla Presbyterian playing handbells, assisting with the Sunday service AV, and going on short-term missions. Now that the girls are off on their own adventures she keeps busy kayaking, swimming, gardening, or relaxing in the window seat with a good book or her knitting. She is in the office Monday through Thursday and every other Friday.

Property Coordinator - Rocio Martin Gomez

Rocio was born in Mexico, Michoacan (La Loma), her parents brought her to the USA when she was 11 years old. Since then, she lived in Los Angeles County and moved to San Diego in August of 2018. There were two reasons why she moved to San Diego, the first one was so that her children grew closer to their dad who got deported, and lives in Tijuan, B.C. And the second, is so that she can advanced in her career. As Rocio embarked on her new journey by  moving to San Diego, she struggled with finding a place to live and was homeless for six months.  In the mist of homelessness, she found hope at New Day Urban Ministries, where she was employed as an Office Assistant/Volunteer Coordinator, and a combination of Case Manager and Public Notary. God always provided for her! She was able to move into her own apartment in January of 2019 with the assistance from the Lord, Rapid Rehousing, New Day Urban Ministries, and volunteers. She currently attends a Spanish speaking church “Iglesia de Dios Pentecostal Mision Internacional” where she serves the Lord fully in Spirit and in Mind. Through her life in Christ, the love of service and others, has made her the person she is today. She is currently married, and she is a mother of four children, Jens (23) a Navy Veteran, Lina (19) a CNA, Azul (18) is currently attending Mesa College majoring in Kinesiology, and her baby boy Enoc (14), a future entrepreneur, engineer or a teacher.

Her finest moment was graduating with a Bachelor of Arts in Organizational Management from Point Loma Nazarene University in June 2021. She completed a Certificate in Theological Studies from MIZPA Biblical College, San Diego in June 2024.

 Her goal with the Presbytery of San Diego as the Property Coordinator is to be a helping hand and deep dive in all aspects of leases, maintenance, property management, and be a resource for the Presbytery as a whole.

Currently, she is the Finance Manager at Christ United Presbyterian Church, in South Park, where she follows her calling as a faithful steward of the funds and property that is entrusted on her.

Her favorite food is Sushi, Thai, and Mediterranean cuisine. She loves cooking, enjoys the outdoors, and the simple things in life. One of her favorite moments of her day is getting up knowing that God’s got her in His Grip and looks forward to her daily exercise routing while she meditates in the word of God.

She lives for Christ, her adorable family and friends.

Presbytery Officers

Chair of the Executive Committee, Ruling Elder Em Cummins

Dr. Emery (Em) Cummins, Presbytery Moderator, is a ruling elder at Pt. Loma Community Presbyterian Church and has been serving Presbytery committees for more than 40 years.  Em has degrees from Wheaton College, the University of Southern California, and Michigan State University.  He taught at Wheaton for two years before joining the counseling faculty at San Diego State University, where he retired after 39 years of service.  He and his wife Georgia are active in the music ministries at PLCPC and love to track their kids and grandkids (and a few great-grandkids) from the California coast to New Jersey.

Presbytery Moderator, Ruling Elder Judy Enns

Judy’s professional career has been in Education and Human Resources. She established a successful HR consulting and staffing firm, HR Solutions, which conducted business nationally as a division of Eastridge Workforce Solutions.   She has been influential in enhancing the role of HR in companies of all sizes, and in promoting HR careers; she also teaches an HR course at UCSD.    Currently, Judy uses her professional skills to serve non-profit organizations as a board member and on governance committees for Pathways to Citizenship, Plant with Purpose, Kingdom Builder Foundation, and Ascending Leaders.  She is currently Vice-Moderator for the San Diego Presbytery, sings with great joy in the SBPC choir, and co-leads a small group, a never-ending source of spiritual renewal and warm fellowship.   

She holds a doctorate in Communication Theory and Research from The Ohio State University and has taught Communications at Illinois State University, California State University Los Angeles, College of the Virgin Islands, and Pasadena Nazarene College (now Point Loma Nazarene University).  She was also director and ESL instructor at the Women’s English Language Center, King Faisal University in Dammam, Saudi Arabia. 

She and her husband, Robert, enjoy hiking, theater, good movies, reading, national parks, and world-wide travel, especially to tropical climates and warm waters, wherever they can experience God’s beautiful creation.  

Presbytery Vice-Moderator, Rev. Dr Jerry Andrews