Our Committees

Please note that many committees are still meeting by Zoom.


Executive Committee

  • Arranges the docket of business for meetings of Presbytery

  • Considers and reports to Presbytery upon all new program proposals and appeals for monies

  • Reviews and evaluates the work of Presbytery in light of the goals, priorities, and directions developed by the Presbytery, Synod and General Assembly

  • Provides an input to the Human Resources Committee

  • Reviews and comments on a preliminary budget to be presented to Presbytery by the BP&F Committee

  • Selects nominees for the Nominating Committee

  • Elects chairs of ministry teams

  • Hears reports from its subcommittees, commissions, standing committees and ministry teams, upon request, and acts upon them

  • Acts on items that have been assigned to it by the Presbytery for action between meetings of Presbytery

  • Supports the chairs of standing committees and ministry teams in coping with issues and problems confronting them

  • May also appoint special committees as needed to facilitate its mission or for special purposes.


Rev. Dr. Sam Codington - Chair
Em Cummins - Moderator of Presbytery
Judy Enns - Vice Moderator of Presbytery
Rev. Dr. Paul Cunningham - Budget, Property, and Finance
Rev. Liz Wilson-Manahan - Committee on Ministry
Rev. Dr. Jan Farley - Committee on Preparation
Rev. Mike Killeen - Discernment and Congregational Vitality
Rev. Eileen VanGieson - Innovation and Church Planting
Rev. Jamie Nelson - Nominating
Rev. Brent Barclay - Operations
Delores McNeely - At-Large Class of 2024
CRE Jpetul J’ernantes - At-Large Class of 2025

Ex-officio members:
Rev. Dr. Sean Chow - Executive Director
Tony Cook - Stated Clerk


3rd Tuesday of the month prior
to each Presbytery Meeting


Budget, Property, & Finance

The Budget, Property, and Finance (BPF) Committee manages the financial and property affairs of the Presbytery. Among its responsibilities:
- prepare and present the presbytery budget
- manage donor restricted and presbytery designated funds
- manage presbytery-owned property
- maintain adequate insurance coverage
- provide for annual financial review of presbytery finances
- oversee presbytery expenditures and financial records
- review and make recommendations to presbytery concerning all requests from particular congregations desiring to take property actions, including construction, renovation, rental, and incurring debt.


Rev. Dr. Paul Cunningham, Chair - La Jolla
Rev. Jim Rauch - At Large
Rev. Emily McColl - At Large
Winnie Davis - Taiwanese
Cindy Graham - First, El Cajon
Rev. Karla Shaw - Point Loma Community
Willie Simpson - Southeast


Fourth Wednesday of the Month


Committee on Ministry

  • Assists the Presbytery to build and maintain relationships with teaching elders, commissioned ruling elders and congregations as required by the Book of Order

  • Assists congregations with the process of calling new teaching elders, approves and presents calls, approves examination of ministers transferring from other presbyteries, oversees pastoral ordinations and/or installation

  • Dissolves pastoral relationships in certain situations, grants permission to labor within or outside the bounds of presbytery, and dismisses ministers to other presbyteries

  • Counsels with churches regarding other pastoral relationships that might be necessary or appropriate (such as interim, stated supply, Commissioned Ruling Elder, or designated pastor)

  • Maintains a process to validate ministries and mission studies

  • Counsels with sessions regarding difficulties in congregations.

The CoM Manual is under revision, if you have any questions about it please contact our Acting Stated Clerk, Rev. Alex Wirth by email statedclerk@presbyterysd.org or phone 619-224-2490.


Rev. Elizabeth Wilson Manahan, Chair - Chula Vista
Rev. Tim Avazian - Lakeside
Wells Lyman - Palisades
Rev. Paul Kang - Korean United
Rev. Mike Wallman - At Large
Rev. Cassie Carroll - Palisades
Rev. John Moser - At Large
Carl Stills - First, Brawley


Fourth Tuesday of the Month


Committee on Preparation for Ministry

  • Guides the preparation of those who are members of churches of this Presbytery to become teaching elders

  • Maintains covenant relationships with individuals of the Presbytery seeking to become teaching elders and with their sessions and congregations

  • Carries out the Presbytery’s responsibilities related to those preparing for ministry


Rev. Dr. Jan Farley, Chair - At Large
Jim Reisweber - Fletcher Hills
Rev. Candice Womack - Solana Beach
Christy Zatkins - La Jolla
Rev. Jeff Myers - First, San Diego
Rev. Jay Shirley - Northminster


Second Tuesday of the Month



Rev. Eileen VanGieson, chair - Christ, La Costa
Rev. Chris Kohlbry - At large
Rev. Dr. Mike McClenahan - Solana Beach
Noel Musicha - Ebenezer
Russell Allen - Graham Memorial
Rev. Megan Cochran - Westminster, SD
Rev. Dr. Duncan McColl - Mira Mesa

Rev. Dr. Sean Chow - Executive Director
Rev. Daniel So - Director of Innovation


Second Wednesday of the Month


Discernment Congregational Vitality Committee


Rev. Mike Killeen, chair - First, Oceanside
Mady Cheng - Rancho Bernardo
Judy Enns - Solana Beach
Rev. Margaret Walls - At Large
Rev. Dr. Markus Watson - Mt. Soledad
Rev. John Denton - Grace Vista


Operations Committee

  • Assists the Presbytery in fulfilling its ecclesiastical functions

  • Provides training and support for the clerks of session of the churches of Presbytery in cooperation with the Stated Clerk

  • Conducts an annual review of session minutes and registers of all churches in the Presbytery and recommends appropriate action to Presbytery

  • Maintains a file of the Bylaws, manuals of administrative operations, and Articles of Incorporation of all churches in the Presbytery

  • Reviews and recommends to the Presbytery any action on overtures received from churches within this Presbytery or from standing committees of this Presbytery or from other presbyteries

  • Reviews all overtures sent from General Assembly and recommend approval or disapproval to Presbytery

  • Conducts as deemed necessary an annual review of minutes of the committees of Presbytery

  • Develops changes as necessary, reviews changes recommended by other committees or sessions, and recommends action to maintain the Presbytery's Manual of Operations as a current and accurate description of Presbytery processes.

  • Maintains an Employee Handbook that sets forth the personnel policies and practices of the Presbytery for all administrative and programmatic staff members that are Presbytery employees

  • Engages in evaluation and counseling with all Presbytery administrative staff members, and reviews the work of the Executive Director and each Presbytery administrative staff member annually

  • Engages in evaluation and counseling with all Presbytery programmatic staff members

  • When dealing with employment, termination, or evaluation of staff, consults with the chair or another representative chosen by any committee to which the staff person is related by position description

  • Issues offers of employment

  • Provides guidelines for administrative review of administrative and programmatic staff, including procedures for appeal to the Human Resources Committee; receives and reviews reports of the administrative reviews; and hears appeals as needed

  • Recommends to the Executive Director the termination of employment at any time, of a member of the administrative or programmatic staff

  • Reviews annually and recommends to the BP&F Committee the individual salaries of administrative and programmatic staff

  • Recommends to Executive Director, in the event of a vacancy in the administrative or programmatic staff, appropriate personnel for temporary employment

  • Reviews position descriptions for each administrative and programmatic staff member

  • Assists churches of the Presbytery in the formulation and review of personnel policies, guidelines or procedures for all staff


Rev. Brent Barclay, Chair - Trinity
Tony Cook - RB Community
Rev. Bob Mentze - At Large
Laura Metzger - Village
Lee Hejmanowski - Solana Beach
Rev. David Rodriguez - Graham Memorial
Larry Brenner - Point Loma Community
Joan Stroh - Chula Vista
Linda Sunkel - Lakeside


Nominating Committee

  • Serves as a committee on nominations, seeking to discover and develop the most effective possible personnel for all Presbytery committees and representatives and commissioners to higher councils

  • Nominates persons to fill all vacancies on standing committees and commissions of Presbytery, boards and other bodies that require election by Presbytery or Synod, on an ongoing basis

  • Nominates individuals from the Presbytery to commissions and committees of higher level councils (i.e., Synod and General Assembly)

  • Presents nominations for Moderator and Vice-moderator of Presbytery

  • Presents nominations for the chairs of all standing committees of Presbytery and Executive Committee

  • Considers qualified teaching and ruling elders, deacons, and members from the particular churches, who are recognized for their commitment to Jesus Christ and who are available for service at Presbytery, Synod, and General Assembly levels

  • Nominates delegates (e.g., young adult advisory delegates) to meetings of the General Assembly


Rev. Jamie Nelson, Chair - Solana Beach
Rev. Mike Sedgwick - Westminster, Escondido
Rev. Ray Sparling - Southeast
Rev. Dr. Alan Deuel - At Large
Nancy Harber - Faith
Gena Wilson - Village


As needed.


Permanent Judicial Committee

This commission adjudicates any cases that are transmitted to them through PC(USA) processes.


Rev. Dr. Jack Baca - Village
Tyler Kramer - Point Loma
Maurice Caskey - First, San Diego
Rev. Jim Rauch - At Large
Rev. Jay Shirley - Northminster
Carol Childs - Solana Beach
Trish Collins - Christ, Rancho La Costa


As needed.