Our Mission
Our mission is to be spiritual, missional, and relational leaders assisting and supporting congregations to become communities of faith, hope, love, and witness.
Our vision is to plant and vitalize churches and align to a missional focus. We seek to accomplish this through Cyclical San Diego, leadership with this shared vision, and review and establishment of process for Commissioned Ruling Elders (CREs) in the role of church planting.
So that together:
We are a spiritual community centered on the person of Jesus–his life, death and resurrection, and his calling on our lives. We submit to his lordship as head of the Church, his body. Our essential tenets and reformed distinctive shape form a framework for our theology. We remain committed to the historic, orthodox, Biblical, evangelical, Reformed faith of the church. We want people to know Jesus Christ, believe in Him, and follow Him into the abundant life God has for the whole world.
We are a missional community. No longer primarily a governing body, we are becoming a mission agency, a missionary community, on a journey with Jesus, for the life of the world. We seek to be creative, innovative, and imaginative as we discover new ways to discover what the Holy Spirit is up to in our world and join Jesus in the mission of God. We have been blessed to be a blessing. We have been saved to serve.
We are a relational community, brothers and sisters in Christ, committed to serving the church and the world together. We meet together to build each other up and spur each other on toward love and good deeds. We encourage each other to lead courageously, learn new ways of being the church, take risks, and experiment for the sake of our mission. We seek to know and love one another in obedience to Christ and as a witness to the world of his presence.
...whatever you do for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me" - Matthew 25:40
All that we do is guided by our desire to join in what God is doing in our communities
Expanding the proclamation and demonstration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in San Diego and Imperial Counties
Discovering effective and biblical ways of sharing the gospel with those who do not yet know Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord.
Faithfully committing to the new things God has placed on the hearts and minds of our congregations